Positions Held
Robert F. Philip Professor of International Studies, University of Washington, 1994-present
Professor of International Studies, University of Washington, 1982 – present
Chair, International Studies Program, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 1981 – 1995
Director, National Resource Center in International Studies, University of Washington, 1985 – 1995
Chair, Jewish Studies Program, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 2001-2002
Associate Director, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 1983 – 1985
Associate Professor of International Studies, University of Washington, 1980 – 1982
Associate Professor of Government, Harvard University, 1975 – 1980
Research Fellow, Harvard Center for International Affairs, 1976 – 1980
Senior Lecturer, Tel-Aviv University, 1974 – 1975
Lecturer, Tel-Aviv University, 1972 – 1974
Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
Harvard University, Department of Government
Ph.D., 1972
Rutgers University (New Brunswick)
B.A., 1967, with highest honors
Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 2009-2010
Provost Distinguished Lecturer, University of Washington, 2008
Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Mentor Award, University of Washington, 2006
Lady Davis Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002-2003
Governor’s Writers Award, 1994, for Palestinians: The Making of a People
Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Washington, 1993
Student Service Award, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of
Washington, 1992 (awarded in recognition of outstanding service to students in
the International Studies Program)
Yavor Prize for the best work on developing countries, 1986, awarded by the David
Horowitz Institute for the Research of Developing Countries for Strong Societies
and Weak States: State Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third
Principal Investigator for three major federal grants (Department of Education,
Washington,D.C.) totalling well over $1 million
World Society Fellowship (1989-90)
Fulbright Research Fellowship (declined)
Fulbright-Hayes Research Fellowship (1985-86)
Phi Beta Kappa
Harvard University Graduate Prize Fellowship
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
NSF—a number of grants as PI, with Ph.D students I supervise
Selected Professional Activities
Member editorial board, Comparative Political Economy Book Series, School of Government at
Peking University, China
President, Association for Israel Studies, 2003-2005
Vice-president, Association for Israel Studies, 2001-2003
Editor, Studies on Israel series of the University of Wisconsin Press
Member, Visiting Committee, Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Chair, Visiting Committee, Harvard Academy of International and Area Studies
Member, Editorial Board, Israel Studies Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2001-present.
Member, Editorial Board, World Politics, 1996-present.
Member, Editorial Board, Comparative Political Studies, 1992-present.
Member, American Political Science Association.
Member of the International Joint Committee for the Near and Middle East, Social Science Research Council, 1988-1996. Chair of Committee, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-96.
- Palestinians: The Making of a People (with Baruch Kimmerling ) (New York: The Free Press, 1993). Paperback edition, Harvard University Press, 1994.
- Italian edition (I palestinesi: la genesi di un popolo), La Nuova Italia, 1994—second Italian edition, 2003;
- Hebrew edition, Keter, 1999.
- Serialized by Al-Ithihad (Israeli newspaper in Arabic), Jan.-March 2000.
- Arabic edition, The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies (Madar), 2001
Palestinian Society and Politics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980.
Articles & Chapters
“Statebuilding and the Non-Nation-State,” 58 Journal of International Affairs, (Fall 2004).
“Mental Maps and Virtual Checkpoints: Struggles to Construct and Maintain State and Social Boundaries” in Migdal, ed., Boundaries and Belonging.
“Changing Boundaries and Social Crisis: Israel and the 1967 War” in Stephen Heydemann, ed., War, Institutions, and Social Change in the Middle East (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000).
“Why Do So Many States Stay Intact?” in Peter Dauvergne, ed., Weak and Strong States in Asia-Pacific Societies (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1998).
“Studying the State” in Mark I. Lichbach and Alan S. Zuckerman, eds., Comparative Politics: Rationality, Culture, and Structure (Cambridge University Press, 1997).
“Finding the Meeting Ground o